Utility Base
Channel Swapper DSP plug-in for Winamp
"Channel Swapper" is a DSP plug-in for Winamp that allows you to manipulate audio channels. It currently features options to reverse audio channels, copy either the left or right channel to the other channel, or mute either the left or right channel. It's simple, and it does what it says on the tin.
Future Plans
Possible plans for the future include an enhanced configuration option of some sort, and an option to pass the audio stream through other DSP filters first - for example, you could pass the stream through a bass enhancement plug-in, before reversing the channels.
Size: 10.5KB
Estimated Download Time on 28.8K modem: 3 seconds
To Install
Please see the included README.TXT file for information on using and installing Channel Swapper.
Download Channel Swapper (10.5KB)