Welcome to the GEM Workshop
Welcome to the GEM Workshop. This site includes information, history, downloads, and other things for GEM. I have a number of applications on the site, including an MP3 player for GEM.
Contents of the GEM Workshop

A list of downloads to do with GEM are available here.
Links to other GEM-related sites.
How did GEM start, and why did it fall?
Various screenshots of GEM are available here. There are a couple of things completely unrelated to GEM here too.
Owen's FreeGEM Distribution 1.2
Download FreeGEM and try it yourself. Here's the latest version of my distribution.
GEM Collection CD-ROM
I, at one point, was going to create a GEM Collection CD-ROM, and one day, may indeed do this. Find out more about it here.
Download Manager
I have created a GEM Download Manager (for Windows, admittedly).
FreeGEM Output
You can download FreeGEM Output from this page.
Sound Driver Bindings, MIDI Player, MOD Player and GEMP3 - MP3 Player
My sound drivers used to be here, but I dropped them. Instead, there are some C and QuickBASIC bindings for Heinz
Rath's drivers. My MIDI player, MOD player and GEMP3 are all available here.
Join the GEM Development Group
Find out how to help with the development of GEM.
If you find any broken links, or have any ideas for content in this site, please get in touch!
Also if you are interested in the development of GEM, or are a programmer who would like to contribute to the FreeGEM project, consider joining the GEM Development group. Click here to join.
Owen Rudge