This page no longer contains the GEM World downloads. Unfortunately, the official GEM World site has shut down. You can find Gene Buckle's mirror here.
Please see other pages on this site for more GEM-related downloads that are not listed. If you encounter any problems (for example, file not found errors), then please check the page that the file belongs to, for example, the Output or Sound page. If you still get an error, contact me.
FreeGEM Output Build 20010102 (Source and binary) - 246KB
Here is the source and binary for FreeGEM Output.
FreeGEM Output Binary - 41.1KB
The compiled binary of FreeGEM Output 20010102.
GEM Download Manager - 43.5KB
Here is the source code to my GEM Download Manager. It includes a
compiled binary and requires Visual Basic 4.0 or higher for the
source, or the Visual Basic 4.0 runtime for the binary.
GEM MIDI Player - 122KB
The first release of my GEM MIDI player is here.
GEM MIDI Player Update - 42.7KB
An update to my GEM MIDI player is here. Requires the original version of the GEM MIDI Player.
Owen's FreeGEM Distribution 1.2 - 1.34MB
The latest version of my FreeGEM distribution. Includes many
updated features and bug fixes from the first version, and
several updates from version 1.1. Find out more.
GEMP3 2.2 - 939KB
Version 2.2 of my GEM MP3 player GEMP3 is available. Requires a 486 or better. Find out more.
BASIC/C Bindings for Sound Drivers - 108KB
Some C and QuickBASIC bindings for Heinz Rath's sound drivers.
GEM MOD Player 0.1 - 230KB
This is a small MOD player for GEM. Find out more.