About Me

So... you want to know about me. Well, my name is Owen Rudge, as you might have guessed from the site. I'm a software engineer based in Scotland. I enjoy working with computers, and have done for most of my life. These days, I tend to be pretty busy with my family when not working, but when I have the time, I enjoy film and television, gaming, swimming and cycling. As a student, I also spent a lot of time volunteering with the student union's entertainment crew, doing lighting, sound and similar technical work.
You can read more ramblings about my life on the blog, although I rarely get the chance to update it these days I'm afraid!
The rest of this section contains a fair bit of information on my computers (well, some people find that kind of thing interesting), and work I have done on web sites and Open Source projects.
If there's anything else you really want to know about me, send me an e-mail or leave a message in the guestbook, and I may get back to you!
Profiles on other sites
You can usually find me lurking on the Internet as orudge, including the following sites:
- Facebook (note: I only tend to add people if I actually know them, so if I don't know you, don't be offended if I don't add you!)
- Flickr - look at my photos
- Last.fm - see what kind of music I listen to
- GitHub - check out some of my projects
- Open Hub - see what Open Source projects I've contributed to
- PlayStation Network - see what kind of games I like to play on my PS3
- Steam - see what kind of games I like to play on my PC
- Twitter - random snippets of wisdom (possibly), although less so these days
- YouTube - watch my random videos