Playlist - Song Information: Howard Shore - The Black Rider

Title: The Black Rider
Artist: Howard Shore
Album: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Track: 5
Year: 2001
Genre: Soundtrack
Encoded By: Owen Rudge
Encoder: Easy CD-DA Extractor (
Length: 2:48
Format: FLAC
Bitrate: 698kbps
Frequency: 44.10KHz
Channels: 2
Bits: 16-bit
Filename: 05 - The Black Rider.flac
Size: 14,653,229 bytes
More Information: Shore - The Black Rider Profile: /_/The%20Black%20Rider
Lyrics: Chorus in Adûnaic:

Nêbâbîtham Magânanê
Nêtabdam dâurad
Nêpâm nêd abârat-aglar
îdô Nidir nênâkham
Bârî 'n Katharâd

'We deny our maker.
We cling to the darkness.
We grasp for ourselves power and glory.
Now we come, the Nine,
Lords of Eternal Life.'