Thanks for visiting my website. Please leave your comments...
Name |
Comments |
Very nice site Owen, grats.
85) |
FlyCat  |
Location: South Africa  |
Hey, what a great site dedicated to a great game ! Keep it up, i'm going to visit often now - lots of useful info here.
I'm just surfying tonight... thanks, again, for the landing site... Here is a short HAIKU for you. Hope you don't mind.
Faceless, just numbered.
Lone pixel in the bitmap-
I, anonymous.
nice site
82) |
Snaker  |
Location: France  |

Je suis le seul à mettre un message en francais.  , Très très bon site, je viens de le découvrir et c'est le meilleur sur ce jeu.
Ce jeu est comme même certains autres, il ne s'oublie jamais, on s'en ennuie jamais.
Avec ce message, je vous offre ma façon à moi de faire ma railroad. (Jontion).
Continuez comme ça et que ce jeu ne meurt jamais.
81) |
posters  |
Location: Kiev  |
Your site is very interesting and useful for me. Good work.Your site is very interesting and useful for me. Good work.
80) |
Blade  |
Location: East Sussex  |
This is a well thought out web site. I have found it realy interesting. The only problem I have is that the game will not work on Windows XP
Hello from Atlanta
78) |
elthe  |
Location: Poland  |
Well, TT was the game of my childhood, it brought me up, it made the sense of my life, it was a revolution among VGA games, and it remain best gfx game long after. Whenever I think of it, I recall the ultimate engine running my 386.
And I see you here, dreaming my dream now, WOW, what an expirience... I would vote this game best ever written. I really would - because it is thing you my write in ya' cosy armchair during winter holidays, without bunch of programmers and so on. Oh, how nostalgic.
77) |
birke  |
Location: mansfield texas  |
Finally, after many years of playing this game we have some new stuff! Why is the games creater blowing this game off? great web site!!!