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Name |
Comments |
236) |
Jeff Bailes  |
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia  |

Great Site, I love TTD and always will
235) |
Uncle Flayre  |
Location: The 'Burgh, Scotland  |
234) |
Liam Riordan  |
Location: Wales, UK  |

This is a very good site for one of my all time favourite games. Since I had XP I've had problems though. But now I have found a patch that makes it compatible with XP and 2000!!! This is for Transport Tycoon Deluxe!! E-mail me for the site address!
233) |
Patric Jhons  |
Location: Spain  |
Haven't been here for a long time... but glad to come back
232) |
Ahmed Muhammed  |
Location: Egypt  |
Very nice site! Wonderful & simple Design. Loads of helpful game tips. I like the site as much as I like Tycoon Transport itself  Thank u for the effort.
231) |
rage5thmix  |
Location: suzano - sp - br  |
it´s a cool page about melissa joan hart, here in brazil we lik her too, but her series is not showed, shown (sei lá)
 sorry my inglish is not very good!!
230) |
Becky  |
Location: Greenville, Wisconsin  |
nice design and good info - all i need is here 8)
228) |
sunghwa  |
Location: South Korea  |
in surfing of web site...
I found here at yahoo..
I like TTD and many people in korea like TTD and TTDX
I`m so glad to meet this site!
see you later!
Hey there! Any word on when TTDAlter 4.3 will be out? I know I read May somewhere though. I assume it will support OpenTTD's grf's right?
Keep up the good work!
Show Comments (1)
Owen Rudge Friday, 20 May 2005 14:26Host:
I'm not too sure when TTDAlter 4.3 will be out, I've been waiting on translations for at least a month now and nothing seems to be happening, so I may just release it half-untranslated. It won't support GRF files, no, but at some point soon I'll try to get my GRF Creator plug-in released, which will let you create .grf files that can be imported in OpenTTD to let you modify statistics. Watch this space. ;)